About the region Bregenzerwald
Von den People in the Bregenzerwald
To start with, let us introduce you to the Bregenzerwald. Around 30,000 people live here, in 22 villages in total. The Bregenzerwald locals – “Wälder” as they are known – are confident, independent people, proud of their roots yet receptive to new things too. You will notice the successful, courageous blend of the traditional and the modern when you look at the architecture and experience the craftsmanship.
Of life in the region Bregenzerwald
Economy in the Bregenzerwald region is based on agriculture, tourism and handicraft. These three sectors are closely cooperating which constitutes a great advantage for both the inhabitants and the guests. Hiking, skiing, excursions and a series of cultural events attract many people to the Bregenzerwald region.
The Bregenzerwald region extends from the river Weissach close to the Bavarian border in the North to the Hochtannberg and Arlberg region in the South. The northern part of the region is rather hilly, whereas the valley is getting narrower and the mountains higher in the South.
If you care more for the fabulous scenery in the interim of Germany, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, visit the website for Bregenzerwald:
Homepage of the township
- Schöne Wanderung zur Burgl-Hütte
- Fluss- und Alpwanderung mit Christoph
- Freibad Hittisau
- Erlebnisbad Aquaria
- Vitalhotel Quellengarten Lingenau
Cable cars and ski resorts
- Skigebiet Warth-Schröken
- Der 3 Täler Super Skipass
- Bergbahn Andelsbuch
- Ski and Nature Park Schetteregg
- Bergbahnen Au-Schoppernau; inkl. Boarderpark
- Bergbahnen Mellau
- Ski and Nature Park Bödele
- Skigebiet Damüls
- Wildwanderungen/ -fütterungen
- Schubertiade
- Bregenzer Festspiele
- Frauenmuseum Hittisau
- Juppenwerkstatt/ Bregenzerwäldertracht
- Wendelin Hammerer – Holzschnitzereien und Museum für alte Schriften
- s Wäldarbähnle – Historische Dampflokomotive
- Casino Bregenz
- The best Käsknöpfle bei Bruno
- Alpenblick Catering
- Wirtshaus am See
- Käsestrasse und über 40 Käsewirte
- Schwarzenberg: Gasthof Adler
- Romantikhotel Hirschen
- Wirtshaus Hans Ritter, Bersbuch Catering
- Susanne Hotz